Serving The Planet

My new Hackintosh Project: Shuttle X200

While searching for a computer replacement for one my customers I ran into Shuttle XPC X200. A mini PC released in 2007. Nothing special about that, what IS special is how much hardware is fit into a small case.

Specifications that excite me:

  • Intel G945GM North Bridge, ICH7M South Bridge and GMA950 video card. That means it’s Hackintosh Vanilla compatible!
  • Intel Core2Duo (so no crappy Atom platform)
  • Dimensions:  210(L) x 296(W) x 55(H)mm … A4 page size nice!
  • Expected it to have only 2.5″ harddrive capabilities, but infact it has a smart tray for 3.5″ harddrives. With 3GB/s SATA II interface!
  • Max. 2GB (that’s a ‘downer’ … but suffices)
  • 4-in-1 flashcard reader
  • 5x USB2.0 ports
  • 1x DVI-I  (supporting dual monitor according to the specs)
  • Prereserved/optional WLAN port
  • Includes slim-line slot-in ODD DVD+/-RW Dual layer burner
  • Only 80W power consumption (Intel Atom consume less power, but are less powerful)
  • Sound level: less than 24dB

More specs …

Resources used to make a ‘purchasing decision’:


  • 8 nov11: received the package! it’s bigger than I thought. It’s really the size of a medium size netbook. However the ability of 3.5″ opens interesting NAS capabilities.
  • 9 nov11: according to Shuttle’s CPU list the most powerful CPU that can be fitted is a T7400. Hard to get! While it’s easy to obtain a second hand T7500. Will it fit? Sent them a message. Hope to get response one of these days. Also posted the question at the Dutch Gathering of Tweakers.
  • 10nov11: got the response I searched from my GOT forum buddies!
  • 7dec: asked question on Vanilla compatibilty at
  • 15dec11: received my ordered 2x1GB DDR2
  • 16dec11: decided to give my Dell D430 all-in-one netbook workstation to a family member for Xmas. Thus the X200 is going to be my new workstation until I’ve decided what Hackintosh to buy.
  • 17dec11: ordered a OCZ Vortex 2E 60GB SSD and will get a T5600 1.83GHz CPU this weekend. So hopefully before Xmas I can migrate onto this new configuration.
  • 01jan12: finally got a the components together and more importantly: some time. And guess what? After building the rig, I got no POST at bootup. Argh! Found this PDF at Shuttle Support and performed all the steps again. This time also replacing the thermal pad with “Arctic 5 silver” thermal grease (just in case). Again no POST. Removed memory (which is not in the memory support list … myeah), and no beeping either. Seen this happening before though … RAM problem! After 3 hours of troubleshooting. Hynix 256MB 1Rx16 PC2-4200S-444-12 with model number HYMP532S646-C4-AA-0504N works. But a similar 256MB with model number HYMP532S64P6-C4-AA-0601N does not work. Same goes for Hynix 1GB 2Rx8 PC2-6400S … only specific models work. Installing Windows XP on 1GB of RAM to see if a BIOS update will solve these issues. Used WinFlash (doesn’t come recommend by Shuttle) from within WinXP to update to latest BIOS update, and it does fixes some small issues I had (DVI works as well), but RAM still no go. Thus I’m stuck with 1GB at the moment.
  • 02jan12: installed Mac OS X 10.6.3 Leopard Retail using iBoot 3.2 + MultiBeast. Sound works OOTB. GMA950 OOTB but ‘stuck’ at 1024×768. No NIC Intel 82562 found; Multibeast Intel 82xxx doesn’t work. 4hours and 3 reinstalls later, the AppleIntel8255x.kext from this download works! There’s no doubt in my mind it can work if you can acquire the right DSDT.AML or GMA 950 patch, however after 19hours of ‘noobing’, I decided to devote my time to a Dell Latitude D630.
  • 04jan12: posted my concerns at


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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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