Serving The Planet

Archive | Hosting


Google Sites FREE High Quality Templates

I’m still trying to like Google Sites, by getting high quality FREE templates. Checkout the list of HQ templates: As you can see it’s definitely possible! More templates to be added soon. Related posts: Vimeo Plus Support: Groups vs Channel vs Albums

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FREE webhosting!

In the age of the digital Jungle: The Internet. Everybody wants and needs to have an Internet page. While there are many hosting companies charging you amount X or Y; there are some that also offer FREE hosting. I used to think that free hosting, covers your page in advertisements … but that ain’t true any longer. […]

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[NL] Domeinnamen te koop

Per onmiddelijke ingang gaan de volgende domeinnamen i.v.m. gebrek aan tijd voor project realisatie t.e.a.b. in de verkoop. Ik ben zelf internet expert, dus weet dat er enkele ‘generieke’ domeinnamen in de lijst zitten waar mensen letterlijk een moord voor zouden doen i.v.m. google keyword value, en/of ranking, en/of en/of naamsbekendheid. T.e.a.b. betekent dus letterlijk “Tegen […]

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Cheap domainnames

This is a bi-lingual article (both English and Dutch) regarding where to buy your domainnames or toplevel domain ranges for the best price. Most hosting companies count on your ignorance, by providing ‘cheap hosting’, while you can actually get hosting for free as recently covered in this article. If you happen to purchase hosting and domainname […]

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