Serving The Planet

Shiny Object Alert: WorldVentures Launches New Website and Manifesto (Review 2013 Q2)

I was talking a representative from WorldVentures from Cyprus last week, that really wanted me to join WorldVentures (again). And advised me to have a look at the new WorldVentures website. Okay … sure I will have a look. As WorldVentures remains to be on my ‘opportunity hotlist’ and has been there for a while. Let’s  look at the facts. U ready?


What is World Ventures?

WorldVentures™ is a social commerce, peer-to-peer marketing pioneer and the direct-selling industry’s largest seller of vacation and experience club memberships. With a network of more than 100,000 Independent Representatives in 23 countries, the company’s DreamTrips™ vacation club offers vacationers access to some of the most unique global and local travel and entertainment experiences available anywhere at any price. The privately held company is headquartered in Plano, Texas.

The Pro’s of World Ventures

  • BadAss 5-star VIP invite-only travelclub
  • BadAss leadership and corporate management
  • BadAss 7+ years track record
  • BadAss rewards (Ernst & Young Finalist 2010 + travel awards)
  • BadAss holidays around the planet
  • BadAss ‘Price Pledge’ (and 150% cash-back)
  • BadAss group of fellow vacationers / travelers
  • BadAss Personal Development Training events
  • BadAss charity / giving back (Manifest Foundation)
  • BadAss websites (off the scale, second to none)
  • BadAss video footage (proof it works, but also very motivational)
  • BadAss White-Glove concierge service
  • BadAss incentives (BMW car, house bonus, iPhone/iPad)
  • BadAss binary compensation plan
  • BadAss priced membership (compared to timesharing)
  • BadAss access to Windham timeshare properties

16x BadAss; sounds too good to be true, or just is true?

The Bad and Ugly of WorldVentures?

These are the reasons why we left. They are personal and based on 3 years of biased Experience in WorldVentures behind the scenes and as a fellow vacationers. And of course I’m comparing to Empower Network (short: EN), although that might seem unfair …

  • No international flight packages (and promised for 2 years). Which is okay, but don’t promise me something and then do not deliver. I dislike that!
  • Expensive membership to get started: $365 one-time fee and $55pm to maintain.   Doesn’t sound like much when you can actually earn $570 by referring 4 others and they wave your monthly membership fees. But it’s pretty steep compared to the entry fees and monthly fees of Empower Network of $45pm. And they don’t have 100% commission, but close to 10% retail (bonuses not included).
  • Limited to 21 countries due to travel regulations vs. Empower globally
  • DreamTrips University (special discounted travel program for college students) only available in 3 out of 21 countries (Cyprus, USA and Israel).
  • DreamTrips Luxury used to have a partnership with Virgin in 2010, but for undisclosed reasons that had to go. So you will miss out on your Necker Island trip.
  • The benefits of WorldVentures DreamTrips membership in USA are mindblowing. However outside the USA they don’t offer the same kind of membership benefits. It’s not bad, but you miss out on a lot of the great stuff.
  • When we initially joined WorldVentures in May 2009? It wasn’t because we wanted to be with a travel company, but because Success University merged into WorldVentures. This Interview on Fox News, was the reason we joined Matt Morris’ venture in Feb 2009:
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What he later on refers to as “1 million in debt” in many WorldVentures presentations in his ‘traditional business’ is actually SU that went bust due to fraudulent activities in Nigeria (true story). Anyway, not a bad thing as when we got started in May 2009 the SU Personal Development library was initially imported, but … months later it was taken away from us, and replaced by “Acceleration” training events. Awesome events, but it never had the touch and feel of the virtual e-library of SU. Empower Network brings back everything that SU never had in the first place. And Empower Network events bring more value for a much lower price than WorldVentures does. And that’s a pretty bold statement. As before April 2013, WorldVentures carried my seal of approval for most ‘bad ass’ events on the planet. WV Acceleration, MBA and regional events remain to be awesome, but are blown out of the water by Empower. Johnny Wimbrey would call that a clue!

– Also, a lot of the initial International WorldVentures topleaders in Cyprus, Israel, UK and South Africa? Were already Directors in Success University. To become a big leader in a different deal requires a new amount of blood, sweat and tears. And there are many examples of brand new success stories, but it’s interesting to mention it never the less. Income Disclosure statement. WorldVentures was one of the first companies in the online marketing space to be up-front about the incomes, but it also shows a horrible trend. The benefits of travel membership are second to none, but income wise? Most affiliates don’t make ANY profits. Compare that to Empower Network.

 Binary poses qualification requirements (balancing legs), and no residual until you hit 30/30. Cycle bonus of $100 at every 3/3, etc. Empower doesn’t have any of that; no qualification, no flush, no ranks, they just pay 100% and you get residual at every sale every month. Plus I once had an overspill of 180 WV members counting towards qualifications. However that has diminished to 15. Why? Cause most people don’t hit their qualifications, and never go on travel with WorldVentures (cause they first want to make money). Retention rates are therefore incredibly low. That’s just how me and my team experienced it. And yes a lot of those members came from Greece, which might play a major role as well, and then again maybe not? Cause the opportunity of WorldVentures for that reason was huge.

World Ventures UP-
GRADES Past 9 months

Anyway … that’s all 9 months (or even longer) ago, and I promised to have a ‘second’ (more like 5th ) look at the thing by watching step 2 of website presentation.

New website Review and video’s

Not sure why they needed a new website, the one’s of 2009, 2011 were totally badass already and ahead of it’s time. However as the product line and it’s features have evolved over time there seemed to be a need for new websites? Let’s have a look:

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  • – main opportunity presentation website. I’m still in love with the 2009 version of the site (which was Flash based). So this fully HTML5 site definitely has it’s benefits, but it looks “too clean” to me. The step2 presentation is awesome though! Matt Morris (now top income earner within WV) is doing an awesome job presenting WorldVentures in less than 14 minutes.
  • – corporate website. Huge step backwards to 2012 version, don’t like it at all. But their social media activity is something to admire.
  • – college students program. Has old design (the one I love most).
  • – DreamTrips Life program emphasis
  • – Trips around the world

All websites and hosting included in your membership. So that’s a good deal!

Improved membership benefits?

International membership features have barely improved.

USA members added benefits:

  • Rovia ‘Rate Shrinker’ (rebooking of your trip when price goes down)
  • Dollars you spend at your DreamTrips membership can now be spend 1on1 at actual trips (at least that’s what I got from the presentation). Awesome!
  • It’s been said (by the person who contacted me about WorldVentures recently) that the program has launched internationally, but can’t find a shred of proof for that. T t t don’t lie to me


Conclusion; Should You
Join WorldVentures?

When you live in the United States of America? Then I don’t understand why you aren’t a member already! Unless you don’t like travel, don’t like having fun, don’t like saving money, don’t like making more trips than even before, don’t like … a whole range of benefits. But when you are from Europe, or any other country? Then WorldVentures (after 4 long years) still is in it’s infant stage (in a bad sense). Sure, you can try to benefit from that by being in early. But why would you do that, when you can bring your people to Empower Network? Infact here’s a video recorded two weeks ago from two former WorldVentures lovers (that been on many Dream Trips and were at WorldVentures London AND Cyprus launch) …

Ex – World Ventures affiliates
partnered with Empower Network

You should come join us … $25 to get started + $19.95
to become an affiliate
. Saves you $330 compared to WV!

Update 4Nov13: received a message from a WV rep … about 3 more countries opening up and Dream Trips Rewards program (that was only valid till September 2013 according to “step2” presentation on the .biz site). Thus my conclusion remains the same. On the bright side of things? If you disagree or feel like sharing something? We’ve enabled comments again …

Update 21Nov13 … guess what it all depends who you speak to … we’ve had some insider information of which I can share some:

  • DreamTrips Rewards has been extended; everybody in Europe gets dollar for dollar reimbursement for dreamtrips (after being a member for 12 months)
  • Reimbursing any trips or flights (outside of WV) can be reimbursed with travel dollars 1on1!
  • By using iPay (bank) to signup instead of creditcard or debit card? You can basically enroll for FREE and pay 14 days later!
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That’s MASSIVE for European Market! No more disadvantages? Gimme my beamer & free travel to all Empower Events

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About Earnie Rhyker

tech pioneer | intellectual BadAss | ethical lifehacker | WordPress Developer & Polyglot | information activist | blogger | added value services provider | multimedia enthusiast | senior linux server administrator | geek | bitcoin investor | laptop entrepreneur | open source contributor | hackintosh fanatic | charity donator | accredited top MLM networker & internet marketer 2014-2016 @ BFH | digital expat

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